
FoodUnfolded - A global digital platform for the latest innovations in food and agriculture.

In Focus

Earth First

The MSC Certification — What Does It Really Mean?

Maria Pinto

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label was created to combat unsustainable fishing. Discover the…

Inside Our Food

Olive Oil: How it’s Made

Inés Oort Alonso

Olive oil has been a staple of Mediterranean cuisine for thousands of years, known for its healthy…

Earth First

How Families Can Cook More Sustainably

Rachel Bailleau, Alice Grønhøj

It’s far easier to make changes to our lifestyle if the rest of our family is on board. Discover…

Earth First

Reinventing Animal Feed: 4 Planet-Friendly Alternatives to Soy

Inés Oort Alonso

Soy is one of the world’s most important crops, but it’s also a main driver of deforestation…

The Future

AI Robots and Plant-Based Tuna | 5 Start-Ups Making Farming More Sustainable

Inés Oort Alonso

With a growing global population, increasing climate pressures, and rising concerns about the health…

Earth First

Decarbonising Dinner - How To Get Fossil Fuels Out Of Your Food

Lauren Lewis

Our food system—across fields, factories, and supermarket fridges—is tied to fossil fuels at…

The Future

What are New Genomic Techniques?

Lauren Lewis

For thousands of years, people have selected, domesticated and crossbred plants and animals to make…

How Panettone is made | A Visual Essay

Emma Berthaud

Christmas is almost here again, and Panettone is back on the supermarket shelves. Somewhere between…

History & Culture

How Ancient Soil Could Save The Rainforest

Rachel Bailleau

We need to send less food to landfill sites, reduce our reliance on fertilisers, and keep our soil…

Human Stories

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make a Citrus Foundation

Inés Oort Alonso

This story starts on a quiet street in the Spanish village of Palmera, the air filled with the scent…

The Future

What Are Bacteriophages And How Do They Make Food Safer?

Gloria Turetta

Bacteriophages are viruses that track down and kill bacteria. Discover how these bacteria killers…

Earth First

Healthier, Tastier and Greener School Lunches: Here’s How European countries are taking action

Claudia Lee

With rising rates of childhood obesity, and diabetes and growing concerns over wellness and…



The Future

Obesity is Not an Epidemic, it’s a Business Model

Maarten Corten and Chloé Van Uytven

Outside of the rare occurrences where obesity is genetic, it is not something that just happens to…

Earth First

Animal Agriculture | Is it All Bad?

Rachel Bailleau

Industrial animal agriculture is a leading driver of ecological destruction. But are there any…

Earth First

Foraging in The Modern World: Rediscovering an Ancient Practice

Andrei Mihail

Have you ever tasted the sweetness of wild strawberries freshly picked from the forest? The…

The Future

Should We Tax Food According to its Environmental Footprint? | Opinion

Lottie Bingham

The idea of taxing food according to its environmental footprint is deeply controversial. Here's why…

Stories on Video



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