Rules & regulations that shape our food.
Fossil fuels touch almost every part of our lives - fuelling our commutes, creating our clothing,…
Junk food is everywhere, to the point where its proliferation has become a defining feature of the…
Regenerative agriculture has become the ‘new normal’ for companies looking to reduce carbon…
Overfishing is one of the most critical global challenges facing our oceans, posing significant…
Novel foods like cultivated meat, insects and microbial protein could become future staples to help…
The EU is looking to loosen rules on the use of new genetic technologies in farming. But what does…
What happens when one of the world’s most important marine trade routes becomes a warzone?
Small abattoirs are closing across Europe, leaving local farmers and homesteads with fewer places to…
Some of the largest agrifood companies claim to be transitioning to regenerative agriculture. Should…
Antibiotics are the bedrock of modern farming systems. But what effect is this having on our natural…
Even with strict rules regulating lobbying in the EU, our policies and public views are still…
In May 2020, the European Union launched the ‘Farm to Fork Strategy’ as part of the EU Green…
In 2022, the EU planned to tackle empty ‘green claims’ with new legislation. Here’s how it…
Lobbying is often considered the sole remit of large companies and firms, but it also has the…
Where food is sold is not decided randomly, and many factors go into determining where you can buy…
I don't need to tell you that we're in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis. The food sector is…
We’re going organic. But it’s no silver bullet.
Short food supply chains represent a great opportunity to support the shift towards more…
What do prawns, celery, peanuts, soybeans, and wheat have in common? They can cause serious allergic…
Yellow mealworms were the first insect approved for human consumption in the EU. As a novel food,…
Income inequality is on the rise in many parts of the world today. Even in countries that are…
The idea of taxing food according to its environmental footprint is deeply controversial. Here's why…
Many workers employed onboard offshore fishing vessels have been subjected to unsafe working…
For decades, growing consumer demand and a lack of clear fisheries restrictions contributed to the…
Food can end up as waste before it reaches us for several reasons, whether it’s safety…
Dr Andrea Reid is a citizen of the Nisgaꞌa Nation, an Assistant Professor of Indigenous…
Food is an issue that not only affects us all, but that all of us have a role to play in solving.…
Almost all fishing is unsustainable, and the only way out is to stop eating fish - these are the…
The narrative around the sustainability of fisheries is often characterised by alarming statistics…
Humans have been modifying crop genetics for millennia, but in recent years this practice has…
In low-income regions, small-scale agriculture is the biggest source of income, job security and…
Plant-based milk alternatives are growing increasingly popular across Europe. From soy to oat, many…
Until recently, the vast majority of action targeted towards minimising climate change has focused…
Milk has been harvested for more than 11,000 years, when shepherds in the Middle East started to…
Extra virgin olive oil is hailed for its health benefits and superior taste, but it’s also a…
The modern consumer wants to know about the food they're buying - is it organic, is it vegan, is it…
A disappointing vote for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) took away our hope for…
Larger groundcherries. High-nutrient soybeans. Mushrooms that don't brown. Hornless cattle. These…
How much of the organic food supply in the EU is imported? Are the high European standards for…
More milk, fewer farmers and a sinking demand - discover why has the price of milk been falling, and…
The EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), while unknown to many EU citizens, has a huge impact on…
Organic food is a complicated industry, and for organic produce to be certified, farms must undergo…
Rising demand for "natural" foods has seen the term used as a marketing tool in advertisements and…
The expansion of agriculture is the leading driver of deforestation in the tropics. But can…
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