What we eat has a huge impact on our planet. Explore the environmental impact of the food we eat, grow and throw away - as well as the packaging we keep it in.
More than 3 billion people rely on the ocean as a significant source of protein, and around 200 million people work in the fish and seafood industries…
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) label was created to combat unsustainable fishing. Discover the…
It’s far easier to make changes to our lifestyle if the rest of our family is on board. Discover…
Soy is one of the world’s most important crops, but it’s also a main driver of deforestation…
Our food system—across fields, factories, and supermarket fridges—is tied to fossil fuels at…
With rising rates of childhood obesity, and diabetes and growing concerns over wellness and…
At first glance, food and renewable energy appear to be two different worlds. But there is…
Regenerative agriculture promises to leave the land in a better state than before somebody farmed…
Fossil fuels touch almost every part of our lives - fuelling our commutes, creating our clothing,…
Plant-based diets are on the rise and there are more options than ever before. But with many of…
Regenerative agriculture has become the ‘new normal’ for companies looking to reduce carbon…
Buying organic food can reassure consumers about the origins of their food. But the price and…
Many native animal breeds are no longer used by Europe’s meat and dairy producers, favouring…
As global biodiversity dwindles, an unconventional alliance is blossoming. Here’s how a…
Modern annual grain crops are feeding the world. But their short rooted, short-lived nature may be…
Almond milk is marketed as a nutrition-packed, planet-friendly alternative to dairy. But is buying…
Many of us believe we understand what the Mediterranean diet entails, and perhaps some of us even…
Around 560 million tonnes of food produced every year never gets sold. Discover how we lose so much…
While the rapid expansion of invasive species is challenging ecological balance, an emerging…
Some of the largest agrifood companies claim to be transitioning to regenerative agriculture. Should…
Shrimp dishes have become a staple food in many households and restaurants around the world, leading…
Beyond the familiar fields of wheat, rice, and maize lies a forgotten realm of diverse crops that…
When you picture a swamp, food is probably the last thing that springs to mind. But wetlands play a…
It has long been thought that soil must be physically dug to create a finer texture, amalgamate…
Industrial animal agriculture is a leading driver of ecological destruction. But are there any…
The shift towards renewables requires space to build windmills and solar parks. Land is scarce and…
Recent studies suggest that climate change could be reducing the nutrient content of certain crops.…
In a world where a growing population and a changing climate is putting pressure on both our land…
Our population hit the 8 billion mark in November 2022 and is projected to top 10 billion by 2050.…
Indigenous millets are a nutritious and climate-resilient crop. But in India, their production is…
Have you ever tried a green-blue smoothie? Eaten green bread or blue gummy bears? Then you're…
Thanks to synthetic fertilisers, we produce more than enough calories to feed 8 billion people. But…
From packaging material to disposable cutlery, today’s food system is no stranger to plastic. In…
With agriculture accounting for almost one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of…
Coca, once used in the original Coca-Cola recipe in 1886, has impacted Colombia since the industry…
When European colonisers came to North America, they said they were settling in “unused” and…
The Green Revolution in agriculture was powered by mechanisation, but our soils are now worn out…
Growing a single crop over vast amounts of land has become the norm. But in the face of a…
Have you ever tasted the sweetness of wild strawberries freshly picked from the forest? The…
Bibimbap, Biryani, Jollof Rice, Nasi Lemak, Paella, Risotto, Sushi – the list of delicious rice…
A study conducted by the University of Edinburgh in 2018 estimated that more than one-third of…
Take a look inside the seed banks protecting the world’s biodiversity and safeguarding our future.
In May 2020, the European Union launched the ‘Farm to Fork Strategy’ as part of the EU Green…
It might be easy to recognise a chicken from a pigeon, but it’s not that easy when it comes to…
Soil is one of our most valuable resources. In agriculture, soil quality not only determines what…
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