
Alternative Farming

Thinking differently about growing food.

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 A Home For Wild Mammals in the Heart of the Farmlands
Article The Future

A Home For Wild Mammals in the Heart of the Farmlands

Ruscena Wiederholt

Industrial Agriculture is a leading driver of climate destabilisation and biodiversity loss. But…

Lab-Grown Meat, the Idea That (almost) Changed the World
Article The Future

Lab-Grown Meat, the Idea That (almost) Changed the World

Inés Oort Alonso

Cultured meat promised to revolutionise agriculture, but just like the science behind lab-grown meat…

Seaweed Farming: Silver Bullet or Something Else?
Article The Future

Seaweed Farming: Silver Bullet or Something Else?

Bonnie Waycott

Seaweeds have become increasingly popular in recent years. As more eyes are drawn to farming them,…

Can Big Companies Really Go Regenerative?
Article Earth First

Can Big Companies Really Go Regenerative?

Rachel Bailleau

Some of the largest agrifood companies claim to be transitioning to regenerative agriculture. Should…

No Dig’ Gardening: A Quiet Revolution
Article Earth First

No Dig’ Gardening: A Quiet Revolution

Sarah Wyndham Lewis

It has long been thought that soil must be physically dug to create a finer texture, amalgamate…

Shared Ground | Renewables and Farming on Limited Land
Article Earth First

Shared Ground | Renewables and Farming on Limited Land

Toon Lambrechts

The shift towards renewables requires space to build windmills and solar parks. Land is scarce and…

What Will We See in Farms of the Future?
Article Earth First

What Will We See in Farms of the Future?

Claudia Lee

With agriculture accounting for almost one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions, the impacts of…

When Less is More: A Portrait of No-till Farming
Article Human Stories

When Less is More: A Portrait of No-till Farming

Dr Caroline Wood

The Green Revolution in agriculture was powered by mechanisation, but our soils are now worn out…

Is Polyculture The Key To Food Security?
Article Earth First

Is Polyculture The Key To Food Security?

Rachel Bailleau

Growing a single crop over vast amounts of land has become the norm. But in the face of a…

Farming For Gender Equality | Agroecology in Practice
Article Earth First

Farming For Gender Equality | Agroecology in Practice

Emily Payne

Small-scale farming communities across the world are using agroecology to simultaneously tackle food…

Carbon Farming | Is It Really a Solution?
Article Earth First

Carbon Farming | Is It Really a Solution?

Lauren Lewis

Carbon farming aims to remove carbon from the atmosphere by storing it in plant material and/or the…

Fungi in Sustainable Food Production
Article Earth First

Fungi in Sustainable Food Production

Anne Reshetnyak

Fungi are not just fun to forage and delicious to eat, they can also be useful for food…

Food Forests | Sustainable Agriculture, Nature’s Way
Article The Future

Food Forests | Sustainable Agriculture, Nature’s Way

Lina Dilly

Discover how food forests could future proof our food systems.

Desertification: The Vicious Cycle Between Land Degradation and Climate Change
Article The Future

Desertification: The Vicious Cycle Between Land Degradation and Climate Change

Inés Oort Alonso

Although it's commonly misperceived as a natural expansion of deserts, desertification of once…

Participatory Food Cooperatives
Article Human Stories

Participatory Food Cooperatives

Fabienne Ruault

Once a month, I change hats. Normally, I'm a project manager working behind a computer. But today,…

7 Alternative Ways To Grow Food and Community
Article The Future

7 Alternative Ways To Grow Food and Community

Aran Shaunak

Over the course of generations, farms have become bigger, more industrialised and more efficient.…

Amaranth: A staple of the past and a crop for the future
Article Earth First

Amaranth: A staple of the past and a crop for the future

Claudia Lee

From being offered to the Gods by ancient civilisations to being touted as a future crop that can…

The World Of Hunting on the West Coast of Norway | Interview
Article Human Stories

The World Of Hunting on the West Coast of Norway | Interview

Jane Alice Liu

What is the world of hunting like? I sat down with Susanne Tonheim to hear about her experience…

How Forgotten Crops Help Combat Climate Change
Article Earth First

How Forgotten Crops Help Combat Climate Change

Luke Cridland

Agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to climate change, with 18.4% of global greenhouse…

5 Lessons Agriculture Can Learn From Ecology
Article The Future

5 Lessons Agriculture Can Learn From Ecology

Emiliano Guijosa Guadarrama

The agricultural systems that provide us with our food today may seem different from…

Farming The Food Chain | Low Trophic Aquaculture
Article The Future

Farming The Food Chain | Low Trophic Aquaculture

Oliver Fredriksson

If I said ‘seafood’ to you, what springs to mind? Chances are ‘low trophic’…

The Power of Pulses | Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
Article The Future

The Power of Pulses | Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

Poverty and food insecurity: the two most significant welfare and development issues in Sub-Saharan…

Edible Insects | Ask the Expert
Article The Future

Edible Insects | Ask the Expert

Annabel Slater

High in protein, a source of minerals, and eaten by 2 billion people worldwide, edible insects are…

Regenerative Farming | Ask The Expert
Article Human Stories

Regenerative Farming | Ask The Expert

Luke Cridland

Soil plays a huge part in the life and health of a plant. It provides food, structure, and a home…

5 Ways To Lower Cattle Methane Emissions
Article The Future

5 Ways To Lower Cattle Methane Emissions

Toon Lambrechts

Cows are increasingly seen as climate criminals alongside cars and aeroplanes. Livestock is being…

How Should We Regulate Genome-Edited Crops? | Opinion
Article The Future

How Should We Regulate Genome-Edited Crops? | Opinion

Rebecca Nesbit

Humans have been modifying crop genetics for millennia, but in recent years this practice has…

How to Reduce Methane Emissions | Could Seaweed Animal Feed Be The Answer?
Article The Future

How to Reduce Methane Emissions | Could Seaweed Animal Feed Be The Answer?

Annabel Slater

The average dairy cow quietly burps out 380 pounds of methane a year. Could we change what we feed…

Does Fairtrade Really Work?
Article Human Stories

Does Fairtrade Really Work?

Jane Alice Liu

The Fairtrade certification system was created to support and empower marginalised small-scale…

Precision Farming: Can it Really Work?
Article The Future

Precision Farming: Can it Really Work?

Annabel Slater

Satellite soil maps, mini-robot sprayers, and sensors that let soil speak straight to the farmer.…

Seaweed Harvesting in The Netherlands I Ask the Expert
Article Earth First

Seaweed Harvesting in The Netherlands I Ask the Expert

Kim Verhaeghe

Jan Kruijsse harvests seaweed for a living. He sells it to restaurants, fishmongers and food…

Regenerative Agriculture | A Portrait in Greece
Article The Future

Regenerative Agriculture | A Portrait in Greece

Toon Lambrechts

Agriculture and nature are often seen as at odds with each other. Food production puts an enormous…

Circular Microfarms | What They Can Teach Us
Article The Future

Circular Microfarms | What They Can Teach Us

Annabel Slater

Many modern-day farms are huge, covering hundreds or even thousands of acres. But can a one-acre…

Cleaning The Seas with Mussel and Oyster Farms
Article The Future

Cleaning The Seas with Mussel and Oyster Farms

Aran Shaunak

Some mussel and oyster farms work in a way that produces food, minimises environmental damage, and…

Microalgae | 4 Interesting Ways To Eat Algae
Article Earth First

Microalgae | 4 Interesting Ways To Eat Algae

Melissa Vanderheyden

They contain more protein than steak and more iron than spinach. They grow in salt water, double in…

Mushroom Farming & Processing | Ask The Expert
Article Earth First

Mushroom Farming & Processing | Ask The Expert

Madhura Rao, Jan Klerken

We've been foraging, growing and eating mushrooms for thousands of years, but how has that changed…

How Digitalisation Improves Aquaculture Management
Article Human Stories

How Digitalisation Improves Aquaculture Management

Oliver Fredriksson, Natalie Brennan

You've probably heard of forecasting in the context of weather, but it can also help modernize…

Farmed Fish | The ASC Certification Label | Buying Sustainable Aquaculture
Article Human Stories

Farmed Fish | The ASC Certification Label | Buying Sustainable Aquaculture

Jessica Tengvall

Have you ever spotted a light green ASC label on various seafood products? The ASC label manages…

Keeping Chickens in Schools | How it works
Article The Future

Keeping Chickens in Schools | How it works

Aran Shaunak

Ellie Lock runs the garden at Fielding Primary School in London. It may sound unusual to have…

Agro Robots | Which Robots Actually Work On Farms?
Article Human Stories

Agro Robots | Which Robots Actually Work On Farms?

Annabel Slater

Harvesting fruit and vegetables can be repetitive and arduous. The human workforce is dwindling due…

Blockchain In Agriculture | Digitalising The Food System
Article Earth First

Blockchain In Agriculture | Digitalising The Food System

Luke Cridland

Was this food ethically sourced? Was it made using sustainable practices? How did it get here? These…

How Fig Trees Restore Forests and Biodiversity
Article Earth First

How Fig Trees Restore Forests and Biodiversity

Molly Melvin

Widespread reforestation efforts are a key way to mitigate climate change, curtail habitat loss and…

Banana Plantations | 3 Sustainable Practices
Article Earth First

Banana Plantations | 3 Sustainable Practices

Jane Alice Liu

Many banana plantations are known for their high water consumption and intensive use of chemical…

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