Is it possible for us to eat sustainably?
It’s far easier to make changes to our lifestyle if the rest of our family is on board. Discover…
Soy is one of the world’s most important crops, but it’s also a main driver of deforestation…
Our food system—across fields, factories, and supermarket fridges—is tied to fossil fuels at…
With rising rates of childhood obesity, and diabetes and growing concerns over wellness and…
Plant-based diets are on the rise and there are more options than ever before. But with many of…
For millennia, humans have been processing raw food through grinding, cooking and preserving to…
Many of us believe we understand what the Mediterranean diet entails, and perhaps some of us even…
Microorganisms and fermentation have been crucial for food safety and flavour for thousands of…
While the rapid expansion of invasive species is challenging ecological balance, an emerging…
Antibiotics are the bedrock of modern farming systems. But what effect is this having on our natural…
Even with strict rules regulating lobbying in the EU, our policies and public views are still…
Have you ever tried a green-blue smoothie? Eaten green bread or blue gummy bears? Then you're…
Over the past 50 years, our global demand for seafood has increased substantially. So why are we…
Fungi are not just fun to forage and delicious to eat, they can also be useful for food…
As the climate continues to destabilise, food security is put under increasing pressure. These three…
One of the Mediterranean's oldest and most symbolic crops is threatened by the effects of climate…
From being offered to the Gods by ancient civilisations to being touted as a future crop that can…
Agriculture is one of the biggest contributors to climate change, with 18.4% of global greenhouse…
If you have ever had a go at making oat milk at home, you might have found some stark differences…
Due to the effects of climate change, producing enough food for our growing world population is…
We might have heard that whole-grain foods are better for us than refined-grain foods. But does this…
Are you trying a plant-based diet this Veganuary? Remember that while plant-based diets can be great…
Whether sitting down for a celebratory meal or looking for a gift to give to family and friends,…
Jan Kruijsse harvests seaweed for a living. He sells it to restaurants, fishmongers and food…
Eating more plant fibres can help improve your gut microbiota diversity and protect your intestinal…
The prevalence of diabetes has been increasing over the past few decades. In 2019, about 463 million…
They contain more protein than steak and more iron than spinach. They grow in salt water, double in…
As a central component of red blood cells (which store and carry oxygen through our bodies), iron is…
Iron is an essential nutrient which is crucial for building red blood cells in the body. While it's…
It's no longer a bone of contention: you can definately meet your calcium requirements on a…
Plant-based diets have increased considerably around the world in the last few years. While…
Compared to animal-based proteins, plant proteins have reduced digestibility and bioavailability.…
Is soy bad for the environment? Produced on a colossal international scale, soy has a huge…
Rising demand for "natural" foods has seen the term used as a marketing tool in advertisements and…
We've been foraging, growing and eating mushrooms for thousands of years, but how has that changed…
Being vegan is great for protecting the planet - but it's not for everyone. Perhaps we should all…
While it is perfectly possible to consume a healthy and balanced diet derived solely from plants,…
We've all heard the argument that plant-based diets don't provide us with enough protein - but is it…
Probiotics are often found in fermented foods, but not all fermented foods contain probiotics.…
Baking sourdough bread has become an increasingly popular pastime and source of comfort for many…
Widespread reforestation efforts are a key way to mitigate climate change, curtail habitat loss and…
If you're anything like me, you've probably given little thought to figs - aside from how delicious…
Nutritional yeast are golden powdery flakes that add a whiff of nutty, cheesy umami when sprinkled…
Many banana plantations are known for their high water consumption and intensive use of chemical…
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