The secrets of making your favourite foods.
You might know Cheddar cheese as a mass-produced commodity, useful for slicing into sandwiches or…
You might have seen tempeh on the supermarket shelves alongside tofu, on the menu of a veggie café,…
There’s a lot of mystery around E-numbers. You might have found yourself wondering, what exactly…
Crispy, slimy, gooey, velvety—there is a whole lexicon of words to describe the different textures…
As the most expensive spice in the world, saffron is an extremely lucrative product. With limited…
As South Asian recipes gain popularity among food enthusiasts beyond the subcontinent,…
A symbol of "haute cuisine", the story of foie gras began in Ancient Egypt. Produced by gavaging…
If you have ever had a go at making oat milk at home, you might have found some stark differences…
There’s lots to love about soba noodles. They’re light but hearty, flavourful yet mild,…
Rice is one of the most important grains in Asian cuisine. It is so important that in several Asian…
Cheese is one of the many products we owe to bacteria: they are responsible for the formation and…
Ever wondered how yogurt is made? Here at FoodUnfolded, we wanted to know not only how yogurt is…
Tony's Chocolonely isn't your average chocolate company. Behind each of their chocolate bars is a…
Frozen yoghurt is a sweet and delicious alternative to ice cream. But how is frozen yoghurt made,…
It's cheaper, quicker, and involves far less cleaning up than regular coffee. For anyone looking to…
You don't need to travel to Japan to see how soy sauce is made. In Rotterdam, Thomas Uljee and his…
Not too long ago, if you didn't have a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, the idea of a…
Sometimes called "the queen of spices", vanilla is commonly used for its sweet flavour and floral…
We've been foraging, growing and eating mushrooms for thousands of years, but how has that changed…
"A soft ball of deliciousness" is perhaps the most apt description of mozzarella cheese. Or at least…
Wasabi is one of the world's most expensive crops. But even if you enjoy sushi, you might never have…
Despite the name, there are no actual "bubbles" in bubble tea. There isn't always tea, either. So,…
It might come as a surprise, but some foods or ingredients are tested on animals. Moving away from…
Fermentation is a natural process that can be used in a number of ways for a wide variety of food…
Baking sourdough bread has become an increasingly popular pastime and source of comfort for many…
If you're anything like me, you've probably given little thought to figs - aside from how delicious…
Manuka honey has been widely hailed as a natural remedy, but how is Manuka honey made?
Nutritional yeast are golden powdery flakes that add a whiff of nutty, cheesy umami when sprinkled…
Vitamin D plays many roles in health, from bone development to strong immune systems. There is even…
Today, palm oil is the most widely consumed vegetable oil in the world. To many of us, this may be…
Look into any modern-day tofu factory, and you will see the shiny gleam of machinery needed to…
Whether it's plunged, percolated, or poured over, the flavours you taste in your cup of coffee are…
Brought over from Brazil, nurtured in India and commercialised worldwide, the cashew nut has become…
Does egg yolk colour matter? And why are yolks from different countries different colours?
Dehydration is one of the world’s oldest methods of food preservation, with the principles of…
Jackfruit can be enjoyed as a dessert, in a curry, mixed with barbecue sauce, and in so many other…
A large, spiky, green-coloured fruit called ‘jackfruit’ has been making appearances at…
What is sugar? If you like chemistry, you might say ‘an organic chemical’. If you enjoy…
Truffles are notoriously difficult to cultivate. But in France, thanks to centuries of practice, an…
At the heart of many an Asian dish is the deeply flavoured, ebony brown liquid called soy sauce. If…
Chewing gum can often be found waiting in the glove compartment of our car, or perhaps a carelessly…
Sugar is made from the sugar cane (Saccharum officinarumand) and the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris…
Growing up in India where saffron is synonymous with luxury, I knew saffron as the…
At first glance, the Brazil nut seems little more than an oversized, overpriced nut you pass in the…
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