Marie Lödige

Marie Lödige


During her studies Marie discovered her passions for all things science and technology relating to our food and food systems. She is also trying to show that Germany is much more than just sausages, beer and bread, even though the bread is indeed very delicious. 


Marie has a background in Science Communication and Bionics, previously working in the communications team of a non-profit organisation focused on food, health and nutrition. Marie has also worked with the FoodUnfolded team as an Editor for the DACH site.

Articles by Marie Lödige

How To Reduce Bread Waste

3 tips, ideas and innovations

CRISPR-Cas9 | How it works

CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. Quite a mouthful to say, isn’t it?

Did GMOs save papayas in Hawaii?

Learn how GMO technology saved one of the world's favourite fruits.

Animal Vaccination (Meat Safety) | How it works

Animals are exposed to diseases just like us, and can also be protected by vaccines.

What does ‘local’ really mean?

A word so simple rarely has that many interpretations

What does CRISPR-Cas9 do?

Did you ever think there could be ‘drama’ in science? Well, then let me tell you a bit about CRISPR-Cas9.

Where is Your Fish From?

Tracing your fish back to its origins

Trace Your Food Back to its Source

Food traceability is actually a thing.

Tea bags | Where do they come from?

Who invented the tea bag and why do we use it?

Why Trust In Our Food System Matters

Why is trust so important?

Chickpeas | How It’s Grown

Chickpeas -where do they come from?

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