Kasia Pasierbiewicz

Kasia Pasierbiewicz

Digital Media Lead


Kasia is a freelance digital marketing strategist working as Digital Media Lead at FoodUnfolded®. She is determined to bridge the communication gap between institutions and citizens through engaging and purposeful online content. When she is not online, she discovers her home away from home, Amsterdam, navigating its charming streets on a bicycle, learns Dutch on her own and captures fleeting moments through the lens of her camera. She is an Erasmus Student Network alumna, where she obtained a workshop facilitator certification.


Kasia has worked as a freelance and in-house marketing specialist for agencies, small businesses, NGOs and young entrepreneurs in Europe and Asia. She has developed and executed a variety of social media campaigns for European institutions, including European Year of Youth (EC DG EAC), #EUChooseSafeFood (EFSA) and Make It Work – The European Pillar of Social Rights (EC DG EMPL). She graduated in Biotechnology from the University of Gdańsk, which launched her passion for science communication.

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