The Future

The Great Debate: Yes GMO or No GMO

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Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are surrounded by a lot of controversy. People genuinely fear for their health if they eat GMO food, others are concerned about the environment and what their introduction could do to surrounding vegetation. How concerned should we be about GMOs in our food system?


Crop protection is one of the main objectives of GMOs. The intention is to give the crop a resistance against insects and infections, and a tolerance to herbicides.1 The resistance against insects for example is achieved by introducing a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis into the DNA. This allows the plant to produce a specific protein that attacks the digestive system of certain pests. 3,2 As far as we know, these proteins are not harmful to human health. Reducing our dependence on synthetic pesticides by using pest-resistant GMOs could have various benefits for people and the living world.

Find out why we use pesticides in our animated video. 

GMO crops could also be an opportunity to feed the growing world population. Crops could be engineered to have an increased nutrient content. In our growing world, a lot of people live in underserved regions and rely on a few single crops that are not necessarily nutrient-rich, and GMOs could be a remedial action. Through their resistance to pests and infections, yields could also significantly increase. One of the examples of a GMO currently in use is Golden Rice, which was modified to counteract a Vitamin A deficiency and comes hand in hand with a humanitarian project.  4,5

But quite a lot of people still fear GMOs, and this isn't always unfounded. 


People have genuine fears concerning GMOs. The most prominent ones are the possible risks of consumption. Are they going to make us sick? Are they good for the environment?

Possible allergic reactions through the gene transfer between organisms are one of the main concerns in the GMO and health discussion. The other worry is that health can also be negatively impacted when we eat GMOs. Genes from GMOs are feared to transfer to the human cells and once they are in the cell, alter our own DNA. So far, during tests, no allergic reactions have been found, and the probability of transfer of genes seems low.1,6


Voices that are concerned for the environment are equally as loud. People are concerned that the genes from GM crops can be passed to wild species, making invasive species even stronger. (like some kind of superweed).1,6 There is reporting of an intermixing of GM genes with wild species, but extensive measures can be taken against that because when it comes to GM crops, the safety of animals and the environment comes first and foremost.7

The public concerns surrounding GMOs have also reached politicians. In the European Union, GMOs, their production and use, are heavily regulated. Before any plant that is genetically modified enters the market, it must go through strict trials and risk assessments. They need to be traceable and properly labelled. Various regulations and directives ensure the safety of humans, animals and the environment.7

A list of GMOs currently in use can be found in this GMO register.

What about a… ”Maybe GMO”?

Of course, the debate can go on longer than this. However, at this point in time, scientists and researchers conclude that the GMOs in the market are not harmful to us. New GM products will undergo extensive testing and only enter the market when proven not harmful to humans and the environment. Science is an ever-advancing field, so we will get more and more insights and new developments in the coming years.


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